
Caring for Philodendron

For house plants to stay healthy, they require some caring. Among them are philodendrons, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some philodendrons have heart shaped leaves while others have finger shaped leaves. Plants in homes keep rooms fresh and lively as they not only give off oxygen but they also add to the aesthetic beauty of an ordinary room. Philodendron care is not at all difficult. Like any other house plant, it should be watered and given enough sunlight. Most species of Philodendron plants belong to the climbing variety. Hence, they are vines with leaves that can spread inside the room where it is placed. If proper philodendron care is exercised, your houseplant will grow beautifully especially when it is the type that produces flowers.

The first step you need to take for philodendron care is to place the philodendron in a pot with soil comprised of organic matter. When it comes to potting philodendrons, place a wooden stake into the pot so that its foliage can wrap around it. The soil should be moist in texture, however not overly wet. You should also place the philodendron plant in a pot where the roots are intact and a bit cramped together. As the roots grow and become compact, philodendrons plants should be repotted in a larger sized container. There should be holes in the pot so that excess water drains out. Remember that plants which are newly repotted should be watered and monitored carefully so that the roots do not dry out.

Another important step in caring for a philodendron is to maintain the humidity and temperature of its environment. These plants love to stay in humid condition making it easy to maintain inside the home. In fact, a room with high humidity can make the plant grow fully as well as giving it shiny foliage. Misting the plant with water on a regular basis will also help promote growth. You should also place the plant in an area with adequate sunlight. The recommended temperature for philodendrons is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember that too much sunlight might kill your philodendron plant. Also, if frost damages the top portion of the philodendron plant, it will still re-grow. If your philodendron plant sheds too much leaves, this probably means that it is not getting enough sunlight. Proper care for philodendrons will enable it to grow and propagate. Philodendrons do not require a lot of maintenance, so you need not spend a lot of time caring for them.

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