
Dieffenbachia Care (Dumb Cane Care)

Dieffenbachia Lighting: Moderate to Low
Dieffenbachia Watering: Moderate to Heavy

Dieffenbachia is a plant that can add a dramatic effect to an area. Dieffenbachia is a very common house plant and also one of the simplest to care for. To enjoy their beauty and elegance it is necessary to know proper dieffenbachia care.

It is preferable that dieffenbachias be exposed to direct lights without letting them experience too much heat. This can be done by placing them under direct lighting (sunlight) during winter and using a translucent filter while exposing them to direct sunlight during summer and spring. In addition, the temperature that the plant has to experience should only range between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Humidity should also be considered in dieffenbachia care. Optimum humidity keeps the plant from wilting or turning brown.  In order to prevent dieffenbachia plants from losing the suitable humidity, it is important to maintain the proper temperature inside your home. Misting it occasionally and placing it near other plants are also some feasible ways to maintain the humidity that surrounds a dieffenbachia.
Watering dieffenbachias regularly should also be done in order to keep them healthy. In addition, it is necessary to be aware on the proper ways of watering this plant. It is highly suggested to re-water the plant only when the soil has completely dry out.

Always be cautious when it comes to the fertilizers and pesticides. It is necessary to read all instructions and labels of a fertilizer or a pesticide in order to see if it can be used for dieffenbachias.

It is also advisable to cut the stems of dieffenbachias when it reaches the point of growth where its leaves start to drop off. It is okay to do this since it has the capacity to regrow itself.
Beside from knowing how to maintain a dieffenbachia well, it is also necessary to know how to handle this houseplant properly. It would be wise to wear protective gears while grooming dieffenbachias. Protective gears would prevent the poisonous sap of dieffenbachias from touching the skin of the handler or groomer. Hand washing should also be performed after working on the plant to assure safety.

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