
Which House PlantsAre Safe For Cats?

House Plants That Are Safe For Cats

When it comes to house plants that are safe for cats, one must strike a delicate balance between his or her endearment to the pet and the appreciation for plants. This may lead one to a catch 22 that may require them to make sacrifices, however thanks to house plants that are safe for cats; one can literally eat his cake and have it!
Some of the house plants that are safe for cats are discussed below, however, this list is based on cat experiences and is not conclusive, and as such one should always put the cat’s health interests first when considering which plants to put in the house.
The first plant is the African violet, also known as Saintpaulia, which are beautiful house plants that are safe for cats and have aesthetical appeal, with a characteristic purple, white, and red complementing ambiance of the house. Another desirable feature of the saintpaulia is that they keep blooming all year round.
Another plant that is suitable for the house and non-toxic to cats is the Aluminum plant. This plant, which gets its name from the silvery markings on their leaves is fast growing and has watery stems, this plant is a common houseplant and a must keep for cat owners who appreciate gardening.
A common house plant that is safe for cats is the peperomia, a tropical plant that is grown for ornamental foliage. They vary considerably in color and suitable for playful kittens as they do not exceed a height of twelve inches. The peperomia is smooth and fleshy with oval leaves and a distinctively fragranced flower.
Another plant that is non toxic to cats is the Prayer plant, also known as Maranta, these plants are particularly amusing in the sense that their leaves fold slowly from dawn until they are fully closed in the evening, a behavior that keeps recurring. This plant is beautiful and should be considered by cat owners who want to grow houseplants.
The list of houseplants that are safe for cats cannot be complete without the mention of the spider plant, an easy to grow plant. Characterized by their all hanging features, this exceptionally hardy plants grow in all conditions and require minimum care, something that makes it a must have for anyone who is interested in convenient, non involving gardening.
If you are both a lover of cats and a nature enthusiast, you just might want to consider growing the Swedish ivy. This plant, which has fuzzy green foliage typically grown in hanging baskets, tops my list of plants that are safe for cats. They grow in moderately fertile well drained soil.
Other house plants that are safe for cats are given by the list below;

· Any of the true ferns, (Boston fern, maidenhair, etc.)
· Cacti (but make sure they are real cacti, not just a succulent)
· Catnip
· Common geranium (Pelargonium)
· Gloxinia (Sinningia)
· Goldfish plant (Hypoestes)
· Grape ivy (Cissus)
· Hanging African violet (Episcia)
· Lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus)
· Miniature roses
· Shrimp plant (Beleperone guttata)
· Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea)
· Variegated philodendron leaf peperomia
· Wandering Jew (Zebrina)
This goes to show safe cat keeping can be achieved by growing these house plants that are safe for cats. Thus one can blend the passion for house plants with the love for cats.

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