
Types of Houseplan Fungus

 Houseplants fungus
There are many types of houseplant fungus that can ruin the health and beauty of your adorable plants. You should be aware of these so it will not spread and cause harm to your plants. Know the different types of houseplant fungus and enjoy clean air together with these indoor plants.

House Plant Fungus -Yellow Fungus
This type of houseplant fungus is also referred to as Saprophytic. It is not very damaging to the houseplant but it can cause your plants to look unattractive. The seeds of these fungi decay on the soil thus forming a yellow substance on its surface. You do not need to worry because these types of houseplant fungus will not spread to the tissues of live plants, but the soil may be overly infected with it. The remedy for get rid of this type of houseplant fungus is to dry out the soil and repot the plant so the infected soil will not spread to healthy soil.

House Plant Fungus - Gray Mold
This particular type of houseplant fungus is threatening to your plant. Its earlier stage is characterized by dark water soaked spots that will eventually grow into fuzzy, gray, and thick mold. Houseplants are highly susceptible to this type of houseplant fungus include ferns, african violets, and ivies. It is often seen in areas with high-moisture conditions, so it is very important to keep the leaves of your plants dry. This is the best preventive measure you can do to avoid grey mold or any other houseplant fungus infestation.

House Plant Fungus - Powdery Mildew
This houseplant fungus also thrives in moist areas that have poor air circulation. It is distinguished by its gray and white color that is formed on the flowers, foliage, or stems of your plants. The best way to free your plant from this houseplant fungus is to remove the infected parts of the plant and transferring it to location with adequate air circulation. You should also expose it to more sunlight to counterattack any possible growth of this powdery mildew.

House Plant Fungus - Anthracnose Fungus
This particular houseplant fungus leaves brown or tan spots on the leaves and foliage of your houseplants. Unfortunately, the damage it does will not end there. The moment it matures, it will leave spores that will produce pink ooze on the leaves of your plants. The best way to treat a plant of this houseplant fungus is the removal of all the damaged foliage and use of the fungicide to eliminate its spread in other parts of the plant.

Cleanliness, proper maintenance, and adequate water supply are the key ingredients that will guarantee freedom from unwanted fungus on your houseplants. You should be vigilant with the possible growth of these unwanted living things because it will cause the death of your plants. As an advice, it is highly recommended that houseplant be brought outdoors from time to time to receive abundant sunlight. Sunlight will kill unwanted microorganism hiding in the soil or on leaves. In this manner, you can safeguard plants from possible houseplant fungus.

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